What we do?

In this space, all are encouraged into self-expression and acceptance. Do yoga, stretch, move, dance like no one is watching, or just chill and enjoy the music.

7:45pm - Arrival time.

8:00pm - Doors open.

8:05pm - Music starts in a low beat to give you the chance to ground into your body. The rhythm progressively increases once the room starts to move. It may reach a high energy several times during the set and slow down to conclude with a smooth landing back to stillness at the end.

8:50pm - Sound healing/live musician, a winding down meditative moment using Singing Ring bowls and other acoustic instruments.

9:00pm - Closing circle; a space to share, connect and bond.

9:15pm - Non verbal time is over, feel free to have a chat and connect with others you shared the space with during the dance.

Do I have to know how to dance?

ECSTATIC MOVEMENT is about getting out of your head and into your body. It’s not about the way the movement looks, it’s about how it feels. At ECSTATIC MOVEMENT you will see a great variety of movement at any given moment; from flowing Tai Chi-esque moves, bopping up and down, break dancing, yoga flows to walking or sitting in meditation. You are encouraged to move however you wish.

What’s the music like?

ECSTATIC MOVEMENT is practiced barefoot to an electronic tapestry of soul-stirring world rhythms. Each set is chosen to craft a movement journey designed to help you move.

What’s the journey like?

The musical journey starts softly and builds to an ecstatic high, slowing down near the end as a live musician takes over for a savasana-like sound healing.

Can I arrive anytime?

We highly suggest you get there 15 minutes before or as the music begins to familiarise yourself with the space and ease your way into the dance.

Why can’t I talk on the dance floor?

At ECSTATIC MOVEMENT, we join together to create a sacred space for moving. Refraining from talking on the dance floor allows us to move out of our heads and into our bodies and hearts. We leave behind the words and worries of the day in order to connect with ourselves and one another.

What do I wear?

Anything that allows you to move comfortably. No shoes required.

Can I wear shoes?

ECSTATIC MOVEMENT is a barefoot practice. If you need to wear shoes due to health reasons, dance-specific shoes are allowed, but only shoes that have never been worn on the street.

What should I bring?

Bring a water bottle and a towel.

Should I come with a dance partner?

People come to dance alone all the time. You may choose to dance with others once you’re there, you may prefer to dance by yourself, or both!

Please keep the movement space free from:

Talking, photos, videos, scents.

The space is a place of respect and safety. Please be mindful and make sure the way you approach other dancers is resonant with them. If somebody offers you a shared dance and you are not interested, simply give them a bow with hands at your heart to say “no thank you”.